2 Dimensional Array Manipulations and Equalization
I have absolutely no idea why the below errors occur, I searched through stack exchange and apparently there is some kind of circular logic occuring with the matplotlib import, but my error was not fixed through python kernel editing unfortunately.
In [5]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.ndimage
import csv,gc
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nb
%matplotlib inline
BINS = 32
In [6]:
import csv,gc
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nb
%matplotlib inline
BINS = 32
In [1]:
### Run below if necessary
##import sys
import math
import csv,gc
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import cv2
BINS = 32
In [2]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
In [3]:
from skimage import data, img_as_float
from skimage import exposure
In [12]:
z = np.random.randint(0.0,10.0,(2,2))
print z
In [13]:
print z[0]
print z[1]
In [57]:
zz = z.reshape(-1)
print zz
print zz.sum()
In [58]:
plt.hist(zz, bins='auto')
## We expect 1 zero, 2 threes, 1 six
In [59]:
plt.hist(zz, bins = 10)
In [102]:
## Histogram Normalization
'''zhisteq = zz
while i<7:
zhisteq[i] = (zz[i]/histsum)
print zhisteq '''
zhistnorm = zz*1.0/sum(zz)
print zhistnorm
plt.hist(zhistnorm, bins = 7)
Let's pretend Z is a very simple image
In [93]:
import math
## Reminder of Z's values
print z
# Number of pixels
pixels = len(z) * len(z[0])
print "The number of pixels is {}".format(pixels)
## The output should be 4 since there are 4 numbers in this array
##Flatten method doesn't work because of tuple conversion later on
'''# Now we flatten Z
zz = z.reshape(-1)'''
# Initialize histogram and CDF
hist = {}
cdf = {}
norm_cdf = {}
## The range value should be be adjusted to the bin number
### In our case the range and bin number is obviously 10
### since we generated numbers 1-10
BINS = 10
for i in range(BINS):
hist[i] = 0
cdf[i] = 0
norm_cdf[i] = 0
# Create histogram
for row in z:
for val in row:
hist[val] += 1
for val in zz:
hist[val] += 1
# Create cdf
for i in range(BINS):
for j in range(i+1):
cdf[i] += hist[j]
norm_cdf[i] = int(math.floor(float(cdf[i]-1)/63*BINS))
print "The histogram values are {}".format(hist)
print "The cdf values are {}".format(cdf)
print "The normalized cdf values are {}".format(norm_cdf)
This matches our constructed histogram so we can proceed to create a new histogram and construct the equalized one
In [94]:
newimg = np.empty(z.shape)
## This should be the same exact dimensions as the original array
print newimg
print z.shape
## set x_length to the first number, y_length to the second
x_length = z.shape[0]
y_length = z.shape[1]
print x_length, y_length
In [95]:
for i in range(x_length):
for j in range(y_length):
newimg[i][j] = norm_cdf[ z[i][j] ]
print newimg
This probably didn't work because of the tiny size of the array, let's try something more established
In [5]:
img = [
[52, 55, 61, 66, 70, 61, 64, 73],
[63, 59, 55, 90, 109, 85, 69, 72],
[62, 59, 68, 113, 144, 104, 66, 73],
[63, 58, 71, 122, 154, 106, 70, 69],
[67, 61, 68, 104, 126, 88, 68, 70],
[79, 65, 60, 70, 77, 68, 58, 75],
[85, 71, 64, 59, 55, 61, 65, 83],
[87, 79, 69, 68, 65, 76, 78, 94]
img = np.asarray(img)
print img
print " "
print img[0]
print img[1]
print " "
imgflat = img.reshape(-1)
print imgflat
print imgflat.sum()
print " "
fig = plt.hist(imgflat, bins='auto')
print " "
imgnorm = imgflat*1.0/sum(imgflat)
print imgnorm
fig = plt.hist(imgnorm, bins = 'auto')
plt.title('Normalized Histogram')
In [6]:
import math
## Reminder of Z's values
print img
# Number of pixels
pixels = len(img) * len(img[0])
print "The number of pixels is {}".format(pixels)
## The output should be 4 since there are 4 numbers in this array
##Flatten method doesn't work because of tuple conversion later on
'''# Now we flatten Z
zz = z.reshape(-1)'''
# Initialize histogram and CDF
hist = {}
cdf = {}
norm_cdf = {}
## The range value should be be adjusted to the bin number
BINS = 255
for i in range(BINS):
hist[i] = 0
cdf[i] = 0
norm_cdf[i] = 0
# Create histogram
for row in img:
for val in row:
hist[val] += 1
for val in zz:
hist[val] += 1
# Create cdf
for i in range(BINS):
for j in range(i+1):
cdf[i] += hist[j]
norm_cdf[i] = int(math.floor(float(cdf[i]-1)/63*BINS))
print "The histogram values are {}".format(hist)
print "The cdf values are {}".format(cdf)
print "The normalized cdf values are {}".format(norm_cdf)
In [8]:
newimg = np.empty(img.shape)
## This should be the same exact dimensions as the original array
print newimg
print img.shape
## set x_length to the first number, y_length to the second
x_length = img.shape[0]
y_length = img.shape[1]
print x_length, y_length
for i in range(x_length):
for j in range(y_length):
newimg[i][j] = norm_cdf[ img[i][j] ]
print newimg
fig = plt.hist(newimg, bins = 'auto')
plt.title('Equalized Histogram')
## This is wrong
In [12]:
for i in range(8):
for j in range(8):
newimg[i][j] = norm_cdf[ img[i][j] ]
print '+-------+-----------+-----+----------------+'
print '| %5s | %9s | %3s | %14s |' % ('Value', 'Histogram', 'cdf', 'Normalized cdf')
print '+-------+-----------+-----+----------------+'
for i in range(255):
if hist[i] == 0: continue
print '| %5s | %9s | %3s | %14s |' % (i, hist[i], cdf[i], norm_cdf[i])
print '+-------+-----------+-----+----------------+'
print ''
print 'Original subimage:'
print ''
for i in range(8):
print ('%4d'*8) % tuple(img[i])
print ''
print ''
print 'Equalized subimage:'
print ''
for i in range(8):
print ('%4d'*8) % tuple(newimg[i])
In [13]:
for i in range(x_length):
for j in range(y_length):
newimg[i][j] = norm_cdf[ img[i][j] ]
print newimg
fig = plt.hist(newimg, bins = 'auto')
plt.title('Equalized Histogram')
histeqimg = np.empty(img.shape)
for i in range(8):
histeqimg[i] = ('%4d'*8) % tuple(newimg[i])
print histeqimg
fig = plt.hist(histeqimg, bins = 'auto')
plt.title('Equalized Histogram 2')
In [17]:
histeqimg.append(line.strip('\n').strip('\t').split(' ').pop(7))
### Errors caused by massive number of zeros?
In [35]:
print ''
print 'Original subimage:'
print ''
for i in range(8):
print ('%4d'*8) % tuple(img[i])
print ''
imgflat = img.reshape(-1)
print img
print " "
fig = plt.hist(imgflat, bins='auto')
plt.title('Original Histogram')
print ''
print ''
print 'Equalized subimage:'
print ''
for i in range(8):
print ('%4d'*8) % tuple(newimg[i])
for i in range(x_length):
for j in range(y_length):
newimg[i][j] = norm_cdf[ img[i][j] ]
print ''
print newimg
fig = plt.hist(newimg, bins = 'auto')
plt.title('Equalized Histogram')
In [47]:
fig = plt.hist(imgflat, bins=255)
plt.title('Original Histogram')
In [48]:
fig = plt.hist(newimg, bins = 255)
plt.title('Equalized Histogram')
In [40]:
print img
print ''
print newimg
print ''
flatimg = img.reshape(-1)
flattenedimg, bin_edges1 = np.histogram(flatimg)
print flatimg
print flattenedimg
print ''
flatnewimg = newimg.reshape(-1)
flattenednewimg, bin_edges2 = np.histogram(flatnewimg)
print flatnewimg
print flattenednewimg
print ''
In [46]:
fig = plt.hist(flattenedimg, bins = 255)
plt.title('Original Histogram (Flat version)')
In [45]:
fig = plt.hist(flattenednewimg, bins = 255)
plt.title('Equalized Histogram (Flat version)')